Programming days.

Since started from last Friday, i have been rushing my company project. A bulk gateway in short. In fact the project has started 2 weeks ago but due to the re-design of the application architecture, I need to start everything over again since last Friday. Ishh... Okay, that's me! When i found something is not right, i will change everything rather than tolerate the "not right" matter although the matter can be accepted. I just hope everything will be closed to prefect at least. 2 years i have been working in IT, or precisely in programming field, i should provide close to professional solution rather than just a solution.


In effect of the attitude i have, i need to rush rush rush... supposingly finish last Friday but now i am rushing it all over again. Hopefully by tomorrow, i am able to deploy the gateway for testing. Hmm.. i foresee the testing gonna take me more than just few hours. Well, session bean is what i learn from this project, of course i need to study myself, read the article, do the simple practical tutorial... Hmm.. learn it in 1 day time. Can i say i know session bean now? :P EJB3 definitely is a lot more easier to be code as compare to java-doc-type EJB2.1. Noted that not every server supports EJB3 by default, therefore to learn for EJB3 server setup and configuration kill my few hours also.


Working is not like studying anymore.. you are required to learn and apply during the project timeline, hence the learning speed you have will obviously affect the project timeline for real development. So programmers out there, if you have any free time, pick up some common market required technologies and learn from it for future preparation.

Programming life in MMU.

After form 6, programming life still not my decision. MMU offered me a Multimedia Technology Management course, it is more towards a management course. How come i will ended up majoring in Software Engineering? The first semester course project, it's about Macromedia Flash. Not much programming, just drag and drop, click here and there. Again, although it is a group project but i have to finish all the part, from design till the final output in a limited timeframe (no computer in hostel during that time). Still remember i need to borrow other's computer for my project when they dont need it (such as mid-night). People sleep and i do Flash!


Again with the great effort contributed, i able to score second highest mark throughout the rest. Sounds good right? Have a long talking session with my course lecturer and she share me a lot of valuable opinions. That is also the influence point where i appeal to change majoring in the second semester. Software Engineering, is the major i decided to change. Although i have a lot of comments where SE is one of the tough major in IT. But i still decided to change coz decided to put myself in programming! First year, life is tough, i need to catch up those subjects that i have missed in first semester. This is where my programming life begins...


Programming "gods" are everywhere in SE major, but i dont meant to compete anything with them. It is good to take their requirement as your base requirement, so you can push yourself up to a standard at least. Whenever there is a project announcement, grouping issue start to bother every "god" coz everyone wish to get in a skillful group member~ That is real life. In order to score high, every project we need to struggle the best solution to the requirement and even do more than that to gain marks. Yes, for every single projects, and assignments. I am lucky that at least i have a good mates for my final year project. Otherwise i couldnt imagine how suffer i will be if one of the FYP mate is lazy or unproductive.Thanks god, the final year project returned a good mark!! (Somehow i got the Top 20 FYP result list with me :P, that is why i knew the marks!)


IT news, IT articles, IT forums, IT documentations, IT blogs... those are my daily "foods" now...

Programming Life.

Programming is part of my life, programming is part of my entertainment, programming is part of my income, programming is part of my extra income generator... I dont think i can avoid a life without programming since i made the decision in Form 6. I still clearly remember when i start learning my first "Hello World!" program in C, i asked my friend. Why we need to setup so many things and write so many lines to get a "Hello World!" sentense? Pretty funny question but excuse me, i dont even know there is a thing call programming. :P The only moment i get closer with Computer is because MIRC, it is famous during that time. Especially for guys right? :D


2 years in form 6. I never bother about C programming subject and luckily i have a good friend who is expert in that subject. Of course he becomes my main source for all the assignments and lab tests. But... everything comes to the end and a new begining of me on the Final Year Project. The project will be submitted to government for marks evaluation and present to school teacher. It is killing me because it is an individual project and i cant copy anymore.


In order to catch up all the things i should know for the past 1 and the half year, in every weekend my 2 good friends will come to my house and overnight for the project. Life is torturing of course. Mon-Fri - study, Sat-Sun - programming. But with the efforts we contributes, our project (individually) has got the highest mark among the same course student. Hmm... something to proud of!


Next.. life in MMU even suffer. Competitors are every where!

First Post!

First Post! Nothing much but just some programming craps...





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